Grass Supplier

There are a lot of concerns about water usage within the country, especially those countries that lack water supply. Some homeowners considered a switch to artificial grass, yet the beneficial impact of natural lawns will extend far beyond water usage. When you think of changing from live or natural grass to synthetic alternatives, you can reconsider the environmental and personal usefulness that natural grass brings to your life. Natural Grass Manufacturer produces sustainable and environmentally sound options, delivering multiple benefits that artificial lawns can’t beat.

Natural lawns: air purifier and enhance air quality

Natural grasses cleanse the air, there are an estimated 12 million tons of dirt and dust along with impurities like carbon dioxide. Once the grass blades capture air-borne impurities, the precipitation and dew help move them to the root zone where dirt and dust return to the soil. The soil microbes can help break pollutants down.

Natural lawns: trap and store carbon

Natural lawns capture 5% of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The lawn grasses convert trapped carbon dioxide to the stable form of carbon locked into the soil layer through carbon sequestration. Rather than being released into the atmosphere and adding to the greenhouse gasses, the soil holds the carbon where it becomes organic matter.

Natural lawns: Generate amounts of life-supporting oxygen

Natural lawns produce enough oxygen, meeting the daily oxygen needs of the people. The benefit adds up quickly.

Natural lawns: Cool themselves and their surroundings

Lawns offset 50% of the solar heat by cooling evaporation. During the sunny days, surface air temperatures over the lawns stay 10°-14° Fahrenheit cooler than over concrete or asphalt. It promotes cooler air temperatures that directly impact the cooling needs of the surrounding homes.

Natural lawns: Purify rainwater and enhance groundwater quality

The natural grasses reduce environmental contamination by breaking down pollutants and purifying water as they move through the root zone. Pollutants in the atmosphere make rainfall acidic which can damage the environment. But, filtering rainwater through the healthy lawn reduces the acidity to one-tenth. It enhances the quality of groundwater and lessens contamination of bodies of water, such as:

  • lakes
  • rivers

Natural grass: Reduces runoff and recharge underground aquifers

Healthy and established lawns can slow the flow of the stormwater, which allows it to be absorbed in the ground, returned, and filtered to aquifers, instead of flowing into storm sewers. A dense healthy lawn grass allows 15 times lesser in runoff than thin and unhealthy lawns and lush is six times more effective in absorbing rain.

Natural grass reduces soil erosion

Extensive root systems on natural grasses lock soil in place and protect it from loss by water and wind. There is an estimation of 90% grass plant’s weight in its roots with up to 300 miles of erosion-controlling roots on a single grass plant under optimal conditions. The soil-retaining grass shoots of the maintained grass range from 30 million to over 8 billion each acre.

Gardens and other natural non-grass areas experience more than 600x the water erosion of the natural lawns.